"Everything is..."

Longing to breathe. Waiting for the moment when I (almost) run down the street, music in my head, heart up my sleeve. Leaving all troubles behind, in a drawer, while tourists take their perfect pictures, while tram cars go by, while the bridge frames what still remains of the sun.

Shut down. Reboot. Restart.

Steps become the inner rhythm of my blood stream, making sure my heart still beats.
The head is in its right place. The heart is a mess all over.


I disse...

You can leave your head in the right place, but the heart makes its own travel. *

Lina disse...

Without a map or compass...
(teimoso d'um raio!!)

Blogadinha disse...

The power of an inner voice.

É conceder-lhe 30 segundos de loucura, outros 30 de silêncio, abrir os olhos e seguir em frente.

Sempre um restart.
Nunca um reboot...


Lina disse...

Gosto muito dessa contabilidade.
E num minuto..."everything in it's right place".

Blogadinha disse...

De mais não precisamos. :)